Diabetes Care

11 Everyday Triggers of High Blood Sugar


11 Everyday Triggers of High Blood Sugar

11 Everyday Triggers of High Blood Sugar

Most doctors would agree that keeping a tight control over one’s blood sugar is imperative for someone living with type 2 diabetes, and the best way to do so is being aware of the risk factors- some of which are unaware to most- that can spike or drop blood sugar levels.

Having good control of blood sugar levels allows someone with diabetes to feel better, both mentally and physically, while decreasing the risk of heart disease or stroke. Avoiding carbohydrates in processed or sugary foods isn’t the only way to maintain a safe blood sugar level… there are many other things to look out for when monitoring your own blood sugar.


Here are 11 everyday things that will spike blood sugar, provided with a concise explanation and some helpful tips on how to prevent them!

    1. Artificial sweeteners: Diet soda and other zero calorie drinks may not be as good for your body as you may think… they potentially increase blood sugar levels and could lead to a glucose intolerance, thus increasing one’s risk for Type 2 diabetes.
      • Tip: No soda is the best soda; there are plenty of other low-calorie, tasty, drink alternatives to try and enjoy; Moderation is key!
    2. Fatty foods: Fat breakdown is indirectly tied to insulin resistance and increased blood sugar levels, as their molecules take longer to breakdown and digest in the body, adding difficulty to controlling one’s blood sugar.
      • Tip: Realize what you’re eating… different foods can affect everyone differently.
    3. Skipping breakfast: A study conducted on blood sugar levels concluded glucose levels would increase for someone who had skipped breakfast instead of eating a nutritious morning meal. Overall, eating breakfast will help you to control blood sugar spikes.
      • Tip: Think “more nutritious than a bowl of cereal” when selecting your first meal of the day… a veggie omelet is an excellent, recommended alternative!
    4. Overeating at dinner: Because of our circadian rhythm, larger meals consumed later in the day have a significant increase in blood sugar levels when compared to meals consumed earlier in the morning, regardless of other outside factors including: what the meal was or how long an individual slept the night prior.
      • Tip: If you want a larger dinner, make sure you eat early enough. Otherwise, aim to have your dinner smaller than your breakfast- the most important meal of the day!
    5. Menstruation: Most of the time, blood sugar levels rise during menstruation (which may cause a short-term insulin resistance), but occasionally they can fall for some women.
      • Tip: Talk to a doctor and look for similarities in glucose readings month to month to find an effective treatment, specialized for you.
    6. Physical Inactivity: Physical activity helps remove glucose from the bloodstream, as your muscles need to use glucose for energy- especially during increased activity. Contrastingly, without moving, blood sugar levels are predicted to rise.
      • Tip: During exercise, watch for signs of hypoglycemia (such as feeling faint) and contact help if your glucose levels drop too low.
    7. Stress: Stress can be both positive and negative, physical and mental. Any combination of stress can cause blood sugar levels to spike.
      • Tip: Switch from “stress-eating” to “stress-walking” or try taking deep breaths to relax.
    8. Illness: When hormones are released due to a sickness, blood sugar levels are likely to increase, and a life-threatening coma may occur, depending on the severity of the illness.
      • Tip: Drinking adequate water and feeding your body proper nutrients are crucial during periods of sickness. Check your blood sugar levels often and make sure you’ve discussed with your doctor a predetermined plan for any circumstances that may arise.
    9. Medication: Different and common, over the counter and some illness medications have been predicted to raise blood sugar levels.
      • Tip: Be aware of all side effects of medications you currently are or planning to take.
    10. Poor sleep: A strong correlation exists between lack of sleep and spikes in blood sugar levels, as a good night’s sleep is associated with hormones that ensure proper blood sugar regulation.
      • Tip: Pay close attention to your blood sugar levels daily, but especially during a day following a sleepless night.
    11. Poor dental health: Germs from unhealthy gums are likely to find their way into the bloodstream, creating a “total body panic” and indirectly spiking overall blood sugar.
      • Tip: Brush twice a day to keep the dentist away!

Read original article here.